Irrational Number Line Games, LLC

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Industrial/Military Barriers

These are letter holders from a Scrabble type game. The "tiles" are cylinders that rotate, with different colors, so you can "claim" letters and "steal" points for your side (color). Not a bad idea or concept. The cylinders, however, do not roll well in the grooves on the board, so they are hard to change and once you get it moving, hard to stop where you want.

So I get the bits for terrain. I've started by putting some thin card over the game name to make a solid surface.

The basic grey with some while drybrushing to make a concrete look. Since these are going to be barriers that stay outside in the weather, I went with top down veritcal strokes for the drybrushing only.

Painter's tape once the grey is dry.

Then yellow paint. This was the agonizing "is it dry" step of the project.

Now black stripes

And we get some nice barriers with a little detail.

These are definately military walls and not Jersey barriers, based on the height. I guess the danger mark is there to warn people not to get on top of the wall...