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Worm Heads!

In exchange for certain considerations by customs agents for the inimitable Mexican Jack Squint, I was able to obtain some rare and import-export ... questionable ... Defiance Games scary giant worm heads! I guess this doesn't really count as a recapitation, as the other figures I used were VOID marines, so they didn't start with heads. But, still putting weird heads on figures is what we do ...

Not much shocking here. The heads are a but large for the VOID marine bodies, but not so much so that they look grossly out of place. The weirdness of the head helps with this a lot. Normally, I don't like identical pieces spread across a group. The worm heads are so well sculpted that even though they are the same, a small difference in azimuth and elevation makes each one look different. I think if you include parallax in there, it would be near impossible to look at two figures on a table and see the same aspect.

I also really liked the VOID marine bodies. They are a really nice sculpt and they assemble into different poses very easily and with a lot of variety. Putting the two-part tosos together is a bit fiddly, but other than that, it was fun working with them. There are shoulder pads and other bits that come with them, but I liked them like this. I think I have a few more good ideas about them now ...

One last final bit that I may have mentioned before. I like to make sure I pay a little attention to the back side of my figures. That is how I normally see them, moving away from me on the table. I think the little slug spots on the backs of the heads are a nice touch.


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